Leaving my mark where I have been, but always looking forward to where I'm going...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This is going to be a slightly different post than my previous two, but it is really just an experience that I'd like to share, and it is relevant.

I was sitting in the Annex at my college(a study room for students) this afternoon and there were several students that were just being obnoxious. Now, I am not exactly what you'd call a party-pooper, but these people were just completely oblivious of their context. We were in a place where people are trying to concentrate on something that is directly related to their future, and this group was running around playing tag! I was about to go and tell them something when I realized that, six months ago, that group was me. In fact, I would have probably been the one initiating the game of tag! Initially, that realization made me feel guilty about my hypocritical approach to the situation, but then I realized that this whole situation was an indicator of the fact that I myself have changed. The fact that I even noticed the group being unruly was evidence of that change, and it really astounded me. To some people this may not seem like a big deal, but it has given me yet another tool to chart my growth. I really encourage you to begin to measure your thoughts and responses for evidence of growth/change. Recognition of the maturity in my thoughtfulness was very encouraging for me.

ps. Become more thoughtful of other people, one can always improve on this subject.

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